Friday, June 12, 2009

That's CRAZY Talk!

Do I seem just a little crazy to you?

Kinda out there? Just a bit off my rocker? Honestly, I hope so. And the reason: my love for Jesus. The Apostle Paul said the same in 2 Corinthians 5:13a.

"If it seems that we are crazy, it is to bring glory to God..."

My desire is that I would have such a passion for Jesus and His glory that the world would think I'm at least a little loony. That's because a love for my Lord is so out there, so counter culture, that it does seem crazy by the world's standards.

This week at Church at the Triangle, we're starting a new series called "Crazy," based on that same idea. Curious at what a Gospel-centered crazy looks like? Well, join us for the next few weeks.

We'll also be singing a handful of new songs, so you might want to listen to them before coming. Here are the tunes we're singing this Sunday at the Experience.

Do I seem a little crazy to you? I sure hope so.

In Christ,

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