Monday, June 15, 2009

Rattling My Cage

Ever get your cage rattled?

You know, something happens in your life that is totally unexpected. Out of left field. A belt from the blind side. Never saw it coming. But yet you deserved it. You had lost focus on the main thing and started majoring in the minors.

Then... WHAMMO! God does some serious cage rattling.

Well, that's what happened to some folks who were simply minding their own "bidness" while doing "bidness." Suddenly out of nowhere, this Guy storms in, chasing away their livestock and dumping their cash registers on the ground. You see, these people had lost their focus on what was really important.

Jesus not only did that to the moneychangers and animal vendors in the Temple courts, but He does it to us as well. In the same way that He ferociously cleared the Temple, He upsets the apple cart in our lives. Especially when He needs to get our attention.

What in the wide, wide world of sports is the connection between what Jesus did 2000 years ago recorded in John 2:13-25 and my life as a Christ-follower today? Don't forget that each believer is a Temple for the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 4:7). Jesus will ferociously protect this Temple as well.

Gotta admit, I'm not crazy about this when it happens. And God rarely does it the same way twice. Illness. Death of a loved one. Loss of a job. Major life crisis. The Lord will definitely use these to get our attention back on the main thing. Namely, Him.

I may not like it, but a little cage rattling now and then is really good for me.

In Christ,

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