Monday, August 10, 2009

Is This Really Happening?

I continue to be absolutely bowled over by the work of God. It seems to happen just about every week these days in the crazy group of folks we call the Church at the Triangle. I'm constantly pinching myself. Is this REALLY happening?

This weekend was no different. Lead Pastor Lee Towns asked me to interview Joshua so we could present his testimony on video during Sunday morning's Experience. So Saturday afternoon, Joshua and I sat down for a quick video shoot. For the next 26 minutes, I heard a man describe in very real, very raw terms what Jesus is doing in his life RIGHT NOW!

The difficult thing was editing it down. What in the world do you leave out of this incredible story? Somehow, someway, I cut the interview down to 3 minutes. I'm honored to share Joshua's story with you.

I'm humbled to say that Joshua is my friend. I just love the way he loves Jesus. And I love what Jesus is doing in His life.

In Christ,

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