Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Church Search Part Seven

As we close out a VERY eventful 2008, some of us are still searching for a new church while others are settling in somewhere. As we wrap up our "Church Search" series, we need to remember one very important fact...

Plug in and get your serve on!

A couple of thousand years ago, Paul wrote about the importance of each believer not only being connected to other believers in a church, but totally plugged in and serving. He compared the church body with the human body and said, "God has put each part just where He wants it" (1 Corinthians 12:18b NLT).

Kinda reassuring, isn't it? God's going to make sure that He has you right where He wants you. The next part is up to you. Find out what your spiritual gift is and then find out how you can use that gift in helping folks at your new church.

Plug in and get your serve on!

Let's take a quick back look at our checklist in finding a new church home...
1-Do they worship the Jesus of the Bible?
2-Do they preach and teach from the Bible?
3-Do they have a passion for reaching people for Jesus?
4-Do they have a passion for discipleship?
5-Do they preach a Christ-centered, biblical Gospel?

We also looked at four books that can help us in the search...
"Church: Why Bother?" by Philip Yancey
"Who Moved My Church?" by Mike Nappa
"More Jesus, Less Religion" by Stephen Arterburn & Jack Felton
"Nine Marks of a Healthy Church" by Mark Dever

I want you to know that it has been an honor to serve as your interim pastor...even in the past couple of months after we didn't have a church. I hope that I've been able to provide you with some encouragement and instruction during this time of transition. I pray for you and your search daily.

And when Jesus does place you where He wants you...

Plug in and get your serve on!

In Christ,

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