Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Calling a Family Meeting

Time for a "family meeting."

Did your folks ever get "the fam" together in the den at the time of an important decision.   Where are we going on vacation?  Should we get a dog?  Sometimes the topic was less-than-pleasant.  Dad has a job offer in another city.  No matter the topic, it was something that impacted the entire family.  

It's time for a Freedom River "family meeting."

As most of you know, the leadership is recommending that the church dissolve.  We're asking the FRCC family, both members and attenders, to join us Sunday after church at Jay Izso  & Linda Craft's home.  We'll eat lunch together and then call the business meeting together at 1:30pm.

I can't stress enough the importance to be at the meeting.  Please do everything you can to be there, even if you can only be there for meeting.  Also it's imperative that we be in prayer for each other and for the decision to made at the meeting.

And since this is going to be a stressful enough situation for many of us, let's approach this in classic Freedom River fashion...dripping with grace for our brothers and sisters.

I also want to say that it has been an incredible honor to be your pastor during such a tender time.  You guys are the greatest.  Thanks for your prayers and support.

In Christ,

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