Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Church Search Part Two

If you're out there "wandering in the wilderness," on the search for a new church, you might wonder what resources might be available to help you.  

Well, here's a list of books that I would HIGHLY recommend.  They have been a great help to me as we've tried to sort through the maze of local churches.

"Church: Why Bother?" by Philip Yancey
Yancey retraces his personal journey through many of his own difficult questions and doubts about the reasons and purpose of joining a local church. 

"Who Moved My Church" by Mike Nappa
In a similar style of "Who Moved the Cheese," Nappa's parable examines how the church is to interact with today's culture.  This one is humorous, entertaining and thought-provoking.

"More Jesus, Less Religion" by Stephen Arterburn & Jack Felton
Arterburn & Felton take a look at the damage of religious legalism and "churchianity."  This is a followup to their book "Toxic Religion."  They call for a return a strong, obedient and grace-filled relationship with Jesus.

"Nine Marks of a Healthy Church" by Mark Dever
Dever examines the characteristics of a healthy and thriving church using nine qualities that are often neglected in today's churches.

I hope these help you in your journey.

In Christ,

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